Category: System Permissions: Operator, Withdraw Call Type: Synchronous
Initiates the withdrawal of funds from an account. You can use CreateWithdrawTicket for both cryptocurrency and fiat (national) currencies. The call transfers funds to an external account through a third-party Account Provider accredited by the Exchange.
A user with Withdraw permission can create a withdraw ticket only for an account with which they're associated; a user with Operator permission can create a withdraw ticket for any account.
Part of the process of withdrawing an asset (product) is to specify the withdrawal template that sends the asset to the correct destination, usually an Account Provider. The content of templates varies from Account Provider to Account Provider. Get a list of templates available to you by calling GetWithdrawTemplateTypes. For more information on templates, see "Deposit and withdraw templates" at the beginning of the Tickets section.
Example 1
Example 1: a typical withdrawal template
Example 1 shows a typical withdrawal template.
The Response
The response to CreateWithdrawTicket is a standard response object confirming receipt or non-receipt of the information, and does not confirm the ticket per se. To view and confirm the ticket was created properly, use the call GetWithdrawTicket.
Last updated