
Category: User Permissions: Operator, Trading Call Type: Asynchronous

Creates an order.

Anyone submitting an order should also subscribe to the various market data and event feeds, or call GeOpenOrders or GetOrderStatus to monitor the status of the order. If the order is not in a state to be executed, GetOpenOrders will not return it.

A user with Trading permission can create an order only for those accounts and instruments with which the user is associated; a user with Operator permissions can create an order for any account and instrument.

Note: Call Type is asynchronous.


     "InstrumentId": 1,
     "OMSId": 1,
     "AccountId": 1,
     "TimeInForce": 1,
     "ClientOrderId": 1,
     "OrderIdOCO": 0,
     "UseDisplayQuantity": false,
     "Side": 0,
     "quantity": 1,
     "OrderType": 2,
     "PegPriceType": 3,
     "LimitPrice": 8800,
     "PostOnly" : false

If OrderType=1 (Market), Side=0 (Buy), and LimitPrice is supplied, the Market order will execute up to the value specified



integer. The ID of the instrument being traded.


integer. The ID of the Order Management System where the instrument is being traded.


integer. The ID of the account placing the order.


integer. An integer that represents the period during which the new order is executable. One of: 0 Unknown (error condition) 1 GTC (good 'til canceled, the default) 2 OPG (execute as close to opening price as possible) 3 IOC (immediate or canceled) 4 FOK (fill-or-kill — fill immediately or kill immediately) 5 GTX (good 'til executed) 6 GTD (good 'til date)


long integer. A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). This ID is useful for recognizing future states related to this order. ClientOrderId defaults to 0.


long integer. The order ID if One Cancels the Other — If this order is order A, OrderIdOCO refers to the order ID of an order B (which is not the order being created by this call). If order B executes, then order A created by this call is canceled. You can also set up order B to watch order A in the same way, but that may require an update to order B to make it watch this one, which could have implications for priority in the order book. See CancelReplaceOrder and ModifyOrder.


Boolean. If you enter a Limit order with a reserve, you must set UseDisplayQuantity to true.


integer. A number representing on of the following potential sides of a trade. One of: 0 Buy 1 Sell 2 Short 3 unknown (an error condition)


real. The quantity of the instrument being ordered.


integer. A number representing the nature of the order. One of: 0 Unknown 1 Market 2 Limit 3 StopMarket 4 StopLimit 5 TrailingStopMarket 6 TrailingStopLimit 7 BlockTrade.


integer. When entering a stop/trailing order, set PegPriceType to an integer that corresponds to the type of price that pegs the stop: 1 Last 2 Bid 3 Ask 4 Midpoint


real. The price at which to execute the order, if the order is a Limit order.


boolean. A boolean flag indicating whether the order should be posted only. This means the order will not execute immediately against existing orders and will instead be placed in the order book.


  "status": "Accepted",
  "errormsg": "",
  "OrderId": 123 // Server order id


string. If the order is accepted by the system, it returns "Accepted," if not it returns "Rejected." Accepted Rejected


string. Any error message the server returns.


long integer. The ID assigned to the order by the server. This allows you to track the order.

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