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proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
A successful response.
TallyResult defines a standard tally for a governance proposal.
proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
depositor defines the deposit addresses from the proposals.
A successful response.
deposit defines the requested deposit.
proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
A successful response.
pagination defines the pagination in the response.
proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
voter defines the oter address for the proposals.
A successful response.
vote defined the queried vote.
proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
A successful response.
votes defined the queried votes.
pagination defines the pagination in the response.
proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
A successful response.
Proposal defines the core field members of a governance proposal.
params_type defines which parameters to query for, can be one of "voting", "tallying" or "deposit".
A successful response.
voting_params defines the parameters related to voting.
deposit_params defines the parameters related to deposit.
tally_params defines the parameters related to tally.
A successful response.
pagination defines the pagination in the response.