Category: User Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level1MarketData Call Type: Synchronous
Retrieves the latest Level 1 Ticker information and then subscribes the user to ongoing Level 1 market data event updates for one specific instrument.
The SubscribeLevel1 call responds with the Level 1 response shown below. The OMS then periodically sends in the same format as this response Leve1UpdateEvent information when best-bid/best-offer issue, until you send the UnsubscribeLevel1 call.
Only a user with Operator permission can issue Level1MarketData permission using the call **AddUserMarketDataPermission.*
You can identify the instrument with its ID or with its market symbol (string).
Key | Value |
OMSId | integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument trades. |
InstrumentId | integer. The ID of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional. |
Symbol | string. The symbol of the instrument you’re tracking. Conditionally optional. |
The SubscribeLevel1 response and Level1UpdateEvent both provide the same information.
Key | Value |
OMSId | integer. The ID of the Order Management System on which the instrument trades. |
InstrumentId | integer. The ID of the instrument being tracked. |
BestBid | real. The current best bid for the instrument. |
BestOffer | real. The current best offer for the instrument. |
LastTradedPx | real. The last-traded price for the instrument. |
LastTradedQty | real. The last-traded quantity for the instrument. |
LastTradeTime | long integer. The time of the last trade, in POSIX format. |
SessionOpen | real. Opening price. In markets with openings and closings, this is the opening price for the current session; in 24-hour markets, it is the price as of UTC Midnight. |
SessionHigh | real. Highest price during the trading day, either during a session with opening and closing prices or UTC midnight to UTC midnight. |
SessionLow | real. Lowest price during the trading day, either during a session with opening and closing prices or UTC midnight to UTC midnight. |
SessionClose | real. The closing price. In markets with openings and closings, this is the closing price for the current session; in 24-hour markets, it is the price as of UTC Midnight. |
Volume | real. The last-traded quantity for the instrument, same value as LastTradedQty |
CurrentDayVolume | real. The unit volume of the instrument traded either during a session with openings and closings or in 24-hour markets, the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight. |
CurrentDayNumTrades | integer. The number of trades during the current day, either during a session with openings and closings or in 24-hour markets, the period from UTC Midnight to UTC Midnight. |
CurrentDayPxChange | real. Current day price change, either during a trading session or UTC Midnight to UTC midnight. |
CurrentNotional | decimal. Current day quote volume - resets at UTC Midnight. |
Rolling24HrNotional | decimal. Rolling 24 hours quote volume. |
Rolling24HrVolume | real. Unit volume of the instrument during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously. |
Rolling24HrNumTrades | integer. Number of trades during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously. |
Rolling24HrPxChange | real. Price change during the past 24 hours, regardless of time zone. Recalculates continuously. |
TimeStamp | long integer. The time this information was provided, in POSIX format. |
Last updated