
Category: User Permissions: Operator, Trading, Level2MarketData Call Type: Synchronous

Retrieves the latest Level 2 Ticker information and then subscribes the user to Level 2 market data event updates for one specific instrument. Level 2 allows the user to specify the level of market depth information on either side of the bid and ask. The SubscribeLevel2 call responds with the Level 2 response shown below. The OMS then periodically sends Level2UpdateEvent information in the same format as this response until you send the UnsubscribeLevel2 call.

Only a user with Operator permission can issue a Level2MarketData permission using the call AddUserMarketDataPermission.

Note: Depth in this call is "depth of market," the number of buyers and sellers at greater or lesser prices in the order book for the instrument.


    "OMSId":  1,
    "InstrumentId": 0
    "Depth":  10 


    "OMSId":  1,
    "Symbol": "BTCUSD"
    "Depth":  10 


        0, // MDUpdateId        
        1, // Number of Accounts
        123,// ActionDateTime in Posix format X 1000
        0,   // ActionType 0 (New), 1 (Update), 2(Delete)
        0.0, // LastTradePrice
        0, // Number of Orders
        0.0, //Price
        0,  // ProductPairCode
        0.0, // Quantity
        0, // Side

The response is an array of elements for one specific instrument, the number of elements corresponding to the market depth specified in the Request. It is sent as an uncommented, comma-delimited list of numbers. The example is commented.

Last updated
